DIDAKHE : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa
DIDAKHE adalah jurnal ilmiah mahasiswa yang bertujuan menyampaikan pemikiran-pemikiran kritis yang dapat memberi inspirasi dan arah baru bagi proses berteologi kontekstual di Indonesia Timur, di tengah kemajemukan agama dan budaya, dalam dialog dengan bidang teologi, filsafat, pendidikan kristiani ataupun lintas ilmu berupa karya tulis, laporan penelitian dan resensi buku.
DIDAKHE is a student scientific journal which aims to convey critical thoughts that can provide inspiration and new directions for the process of contextual theology in Eastern Indonesia, in the midst of religious and cultural pluralism, in dialogue with the fields of theology, philosophy, Christian education or cross-discipline in the form of written works , research reports and book reviews
Terbitan Terkini
DIDAKHE is a student scientific journal which aims to convey critical thoughts that can provide inspiration and new directions for the process of contextual theology in Eastern Indonesia, in the midst of religious and cultural pluralism, in dialogue with the fields of theology, philosophy, Christian education or cross-discipline in the form of written works , research reports and book reviews
Diterbitkan: 2024-05-06